Laine Magazine, Issue 12 | FALL 2021


Issue #12

Laine 12, Hav, includes:

  • 148 pages
  • 13 knitting patterns, beautifully photographed and illustrated
  • an interview with Judit Gummlich
  • an article about mYak
  • an article about the Parkano Spinning Mill in Finland
  • an article about how crafting can increase social well-being by our regular writer Päivi Kankaro
  • a column by our regular columnist Jeanette Sloan
  • seasonal recipes
  • book reviews
  • Laine Favourites section.

Designers featured in this issue: Alma Bali, Olga Buraya-Kefelian, Luuanne Chau, Kristin Drysdale, Claudia Eisenkolb, Fabienne Gassmann, Tamy Gore, Dee Hardwicke, Claudia Quintanilla, Jeanette Sloan and Jutta Turunen.

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Additional information

Weight 300.0 g
Dimensions 9.0 × 12.0 × 1.0 in